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Product Description

위에 나열된 protocol은 (of course) 61850 Client / Server Toolkit 의 필수적인 부분입니다.

그러나 protocol은 다음과 같은 기능이 있는 Protocol Library 형식에서도 사용할 수 있습니다.

· High-Level ACSI API which greatly reduces development and testing time

· C-API library for high performance

· Binary or Source code libraries

· Platforms including Windows, Linux, UNIX, VxWorks, embedded Linux

The figure on the left shows the various protocols as defined in IEC 61850.

Highlights of the Xelas Energy R-GOOSE and R-SV implementation are :

· Messages are Multicast over UDP, preserving the connectionless logic of the publish/subscribe model

· Xelas Energy products fully support the R-MSVCB and R-GoCB control blocks.

· Messages are now routable beyond the substation to anywhere reachable by an IP network.

· Robust security can be applied to Routable messages via Xelas Energy 62351-6 security implementation for GOOSE and SV.

· Xelas Energy products are fully compatible with the SCL additions and UDPCOMADDR, introduced in the 61850-90-5 standard.

· The new R-SV implementation is compatible with the UCA IUG 61850-9-2LE defimitions, with an R-MSVCB control block replacing the exisiting MSVCB.  

· Xelas Energy servers (or server simulators) can act as R-GOOSE or R-SV puvlishers or subscribers.

Xelas Energy clients can act as R-GOOSE or R-SV subscribers.

R-GOOSE and R-SV are available as a plug-ins on the platforms listed below.

· Windows, Linux

· Embedded OS including VxWorks, Embedded Linux

Product Relation